About F'eriA lover of the arts, ex-mercenary full of passion, and a bottomless pit of adoration for those she seems fit to risk her life for. Her life is a constantly changing style, never sticking to one form, which tends to make her intentions rather good, or bad, fairly unpredictable.When it comes to tasks handed to her, she will take them seriously, and will always work to see them to completion, even if it means to pit her against the very same people she would strive to protect. As long as she views her goals as the correct path in her eyes, anyone that opposes that path will have to do more than just talk to change her mind.
This does not mean however that she'll view people as enemies, to her the people she meets during her tasks, and the people she meets outside are complete opposites. She will not hold a grudge, unless the person has a personal vandetta aganist her. That is the code she has set for herself to follow.
Her personality comes in spurts, depending on the situation, and those around her. For the most part she appears reserved and quiet, but given an opportunity she will come forth more flirtacious and straight-forward pushing conversations more about others than about herself.

Notes- One I feel important to bring up while I said C is for hire that does not mean OOC Gil is needed. Any and all transactions are IC only to provide fairness to all players.- I do all kinds of RP, short and sweet long and detailed I like to try and match my writers. That said sometimes I may post something too short or super long depending on the situation- In terms of combat I am open to rolls or if you wish freeform RP as well however I do expect the same courtesy and respect I give to your character as you would give to mine for freeform (AKA do not Godmod)- In terms of lore I am alright with a bit of lore bending but if I see you summoning a calamity or Primals I am outie. If your character got isekaid or knows of events they possibly could not know my character will more than likely just see you as crazy but I won't break off interaction that said don't change who you are to fit into RP. It's an escape so enjoy doing what you do.- IC is IC and OOC is OOC. I do not mind making friends on this game but how my character feels about you ICly is not how I feel about you OOCly.- I have an 8+ hour work shift and at times I can be extremely tired so if I seem out of it you can slap me to bed.- Drama happens it's understandable, IC drama is fine and of course, can be resolved if you feel uncomfortable with it. However, if I find out a person is stirring OOC drama over IC interactions they will be confronted and then blocked depending on the conversation. I don't have time for it I just want to enjoy the game.- Do not feel obligated to RP with me if you are tired, or have to go AFK, emergency, or even just no longer in the mood for roleplay let me know. I am an understanding person.